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New Membership Form 2023-2024 (5784)

Welcome to membership at Nevei Kodesh!

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our Synagogue Administrator:

About You

Member 1 Contact Info

Member 2 Contact Info - Make changes if necessary

Publicity Permission: By checking the box below I give permission for members of my household to be included in photos and/or videos of events, and for Nevei Kodesh to use those images in any print or online publicity such as, but not limited to, website, brochures, flyers, press releases, etc.

You may add yahrzeits (anniversary of death) of any departed loved ones to our system. We will send you reminders each year with the Jewish calendar candle lighting time. Their names will also be read at Yizkor memorial services during High Holy Days.

Membership Dues and Donations

Your generosity helps us continue offering uplifting experiences!

The actual cost to sustain the congregation is $3,600 per member household. Please consider paying dues at your highest possible level to support those who cannot cover the full cost of membership. All dues levels other than Associate include in-person admission to the High Holy Days. You may join as an INDIVIDUAL (1 person) or FAMILY household (2 or more people).

Please note our "Digital Membership" option for our friends who wish to continue participating via zoom or livestream but do not live in the Boulder region.
Please note our "Digital Membership" option, for our friends who wish to continue participating via zoom or livestream, and live 50 miles or more from Boulder.
*If you are in a situation of need and these reduced levels are too high, please contact the office, (303) 443-4567 or to arrange for a meeting to find a rate that is financially workable for you.   
*If you are in a situation of need and these reduced levels are too high, please contact the office, (303) 443-4567, or to arrange for a meeting to find a rate that is financially workable for you. 

Chevra Kaddisha Donation

Chevra Kaddisha is the sacred burial society for the entire Boulder Jewish community. Please support this amazing group of volunteers who help community members at time of death. This is a very sacred and important mitzvah we believe each and every member should support. The Chevra Kaddisha Donation amount is $5. 

Each year, during Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, we read the names of all our beloved departed ones during the Yizkor memorial service. It is Jewish custom to make a donation as we honor our dead.


After submitting this form, on the next page, please select "bill to my account" if: (1) you are paying by check or by credit credit card and (2) did not select in full or monthly. You can contact the office to make other payment arrangements.

Mazel Tov! 

You must click "Submit Your Membership Now" button below to complete your registration; otherwise this form and information will not be saved.
Thu, February 6 2025 8 Shevat 5785