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Tikkun Olam: Repairing the World

Bikkur Cholim — Supporting the Sick and Caregivers

Can you take food to families who are in grief or caring for an ill family member? Maybe you can give rides to and from appointments? Or perhaps you could pay a visit to an ailing congregant, or phone to wish them well?

We'll take any help, big or small — whether it’s on a regular basis or just once in a blue moon. Please reach out to Elizabeth Otto and Doris Fasbender.


The Sparks - Taking Collective Action

The Tikkun Olam Sparks is a vibrant group of Nevei Kodesh members coming together to make a positive impact and inspire others to participate in repairing the world. Join us and help CNK make the planet a better place. We meet to build community by sharing food, feelings, accomplishments, suggestions and ideas—to get inspired to action! Please write to for meeting details.

 For current Tikkun Olam Social Action activities at Nevei, across Boulder County, and beyond,
see the full NK Calendar here.


Where We Focus

Currently, "the Sparks" are most active on climate change and anti-racism issues. Other potential activities are described under the 'More Possibilities' link. For details on meetings, or more information, please write to

Join us for activities focused on:



More Possibilities

Climate Sparks

Our group efforts emerged from community member discussions during a virtual CNK Climate Action event organized by the Climate Sparks. If you would like to contribute to these and other climate efforts, contact Reggie Gray.

  • CLIMATE TALK: A multi-part discussion group where congregants and community members come together and learn more about climate change through reading and discussion.

    • Our book this time is Zen and the Art of Saving the Planet, by Thich Nhat Hanh, who writes, "We have to wake up together. And if we wake up together, then we have a chance. Our way of living our life and planning our future has led us into this situation. And now we need to look deeply to find a way out, not only as individuals but as a collective, a species."

    • We will discuss each of the three sections of the book in turn, in a 90-minute session, to be scheduled roughly every four weeks beginning in mid-January of 2024. Contact David Simon for more info.

    • Previous Climate Talk books: Active Hope, by Joanna Macy & Chris Johnstone (rev.ed. 2022) and All We Can Save, by Ayana Elizabeth Johnson and Katherine K. Wilkinson.

  • CLIMATE GIVING: This team spearheads the donation of funds to organizations working to protect Earth's climate. Donations to climate-focused groups are one of the most powerful and effective ways for the layperson to respond to the climate crisis, so we identify target organizations and mobilize donation efforts to those organizations. Click here to see the organizations recommended by the Climate Giving Team
    The Climate Giving Team is: Avi Edwards, Elizabeth Otto, and Zhenya Gallon. Contact Zhenya with questions or to get involved.

  • CLIMATE ACTION: This group’s aims are ensuring that CNK has a proactive focus on climate, and encouraging individual actions. Led by Mary Fulton and Jeff Skovron.

Anti-Racism Group

We work to keep anti-racism issues front and center in the CNK community. Activities include promoting and attending trainings and convening NK discussion groups. In early 2022 this included a moving online training and our small-group discussions offered by the Institute for Jewish Spirituality with beloved Jewish scholar and teacher Yavilah McCoy.

We have also put together a list of local businesses owned by people of color in our area. Click here for a list of Black-owned Businesses in Boulder.

To learn more, please reach out to: Susan Berman, Sue Chase, Mary Fulton, or Debbie Zucker

Possibilities for Individual and Group Action

  • Postcard Project: Individual CNK members have been writing postcards about voting issues. Contact Ellen Brock to learn more.

  • Food Justice: There are several possibilities under consideration involving food for the unhoused. Watch for more info in the CNK newsletter and here.

  • Bridge House: CNK members have volunteered at Bridge House as individuals—you can too! Get involved at

  • FeetForward: This relatively new organization helps the unhoused in a variety of ways, including providing blankets, hand warmers, clothing, and transportation. They also organize and serve hot meals that are donated by the local community. Check them out at

Updated January 2023

Thu, February 6 2025 8 Shevat 5785