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Meet Our Staff

Jaclyn Best - Synagogue Administrator


Jaclyn Best (she/her) was born into Nevei Kodesh before we were even an official renewal community. She has seen Nevei Kodesh grow and evolve over three decades and is proud to return as a staff member. She is blessed to have grown up in a Renewal setting, as she feels most connected to Judaism through musical prayer and the progressive, inclusive, equitable community feel that Jewish Renewal and Nevei Kodesh embody so well. 

Jaclyn recently returned to Boulder in order to reconnect with these values and practices, and is elated to be serving her community as Synagogue Administrator.

Jaclyn has spent most of her adult years working in the field of water resources cooperation and conflict, both in an academic setting and as a practitioner. She has worked in and studied water governance and management in Israel, Palestine, Jordan, the Netherlands, Costa Rica, Oregon, and North Carolina. Her passion for understanding and working with "the people side of water" is deeply rooted in the Jewish values of Tikkun Olam.


Sarah Nowak - Religious School Director


My name is Sarah Nowak and I am thrilled and honored to be stepping into this position at Nevei Kodesh! My fiancé Aaron and I moved from Delaware to Boulder January 2023, motivated by Aaron’s job and our mutual love of Colorado. We joined Congregation Nevei Kodesh in the spring and had a wonderful time being involved in the Jewish Broadway fundraiser. Since moving to Boulder, I’ve been working in childcare, teaching theater through an outreach program with Local Theater Company, and developing as an artist in the figure drawing community.

Professionally, I’ve been an educator for ten years, and I am passionate about fostering community and personal growth in students. I have over fifteen years of experience directing and producing theatrical productions, many of which were with young students. I value music, creativity, and experiential learning, and I’m excited to find even more ways to incorporate these into our curriculum. I look forward to getting to know all of you as we continue to grow the Religious School at Nevei Kodesh!


Mariana Grosz - Administrative Assistance


Mariana Grosz has been involved with Jewish communities since childhood.

Originally from Argentina, she co-founded the Jewish Community of Bariloche, a small ski town in Patagonia which at the time had only 30 Jewish families.

In 2002, she immigrated to the U.S. with her husband and two teenage children, first in Puerto Rico where she served at Temple Beth Shalom as the sole staff person. Later, she was hired by Kehillat Israel in Pacific Palisades, California, where she held several different positions - Religious School Assistant, Communications Associate, and Assistant to the Rabbis. 

Mariana’s background education is in Fine Arts, and she enjoys teaching and working in her own studio. She also is passionate about music, singing in different choirs, big and small. She lives in Boulder with her husband, Noe, and feels blessed to have both her children and their families close by.

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784