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Member 1 Contact Info
Member 2 Contact Info - Make changes if necessary
I give my permission for members of my household to be included in photos and/or videos of events, and for Nevei Kodesh to use those images/videos in any print or online publicity such as, but not limited to, website, brochures, fliers, press releases, etc.
You may add in yahrzeits (dates of death) of any departed loved ones to keep in our system if we do not already have them. We will also add names to be printed at Yizkor at High Holidays. To check who you currently have listed, go to "My Account" and then "My Yahrzeits". You need to be logged in to view them.
As it costs $3,600 per member household to sustain the congregation, please consider paying membership dues at the highest possible level. All dues levels other than Associate Membership include High Holidays. You may join as an INDIVIDUAL (1 person) or FAMILY (2 or more people) household. Please Note: Once registration is complete, you will be eligible to sign up for High Holy Days, if it is High Holy Days season. All services require advance registration to attend.
*Sustainer and Benefactor memberships help us cover the full range of services, events, staff, administrative, and building resources/expenses at Nevei Kodesh. Please consider being a Sustainer or Benefactor-level member as your finances permit. ** If you can only afford a reduced rate due to financial constraints, please set your rate in this range. ***Associate (2nd Congregation Memberships) do not include High Holiday tickets.
Chevra Kaddisha Donation
We have instituted a $5 per year fee to support the Boulder Chevra Kaddisha - the sacred burial society. We have an amazing group of volunteers who help Jewish Boulder community members at time of death. This is a very sacred and important mitzvah we believe each and every member should support. If you are interested in volunteering with Chevra Kaddisha, please contact: Todd Greenberg- 303-591-5256 Ed Kass – 734-644-7305 Douglas Sparks – 303-883-6295