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Erev Sukkot Potluck Gathering and Talent-Sharing

Sunday, October 9, 2022 14 Tishrei 5783

5:30 PM - 6:30 PMNevei Kodesh

Join in the mitzvah of eating, drinking and dwelling in the sukkah! Hazzan Shayndel Adler will lead us in Sukkot songs and chants and everyone will have the opportunity to shake the lulav and the etrog! 

This is an informal potluck gathering for all ages, so please bring a dish to share (and let us know what you're bringing in the registration link). 

We have time for talent-sharing! Do you have a Sukkot/harvest-themed song, poem or instrumental piece (between 3-7 minutes long) you'd like to share in celebration?  If so, please email Hazzan Shayndel at and let her know what you'd like to offer.

The origins of Sukkot (the 'Feast of the Booths') stem from an ancient autumnal festival, which gave thanks to G-d for the harvest. There are four specific plants which are part of the sukkot ritual: including citron fruit, a palm branch, a myrtle branch and a willow branch. The combination of plants are known as the four species. 

A sukkah (which means hut or booth), refers to the shelters that the Israelites sought protection in while in the wilderness during the exodus from Egypt. It also reminds us of the temporary shelters built in the fields of ancient Israel during the harvest season.

The sukkah should be make-shift or temporary, and allow its inhabitants to see the sky. The roof of the structure is mostly made out of branches and leaves. Dwelling in the sukkah invites us to connect with nature; to feel protected and sheltered even under the night sky. 




We are thrilled to spend another day with you!

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