Jewish Approaches to Climate Action with Rabbi Yonatan Neril
Friday, June 21, 2024 • 15 Sivan 5784
2:00 PM - 3:30 PMSanctuaryWe are facing the greatest environmental challenges we have ever encountered.
Jewish wisdom has a critical role in informing values and behavior for ecological sustainability. Rabbi Yonatan Neril will explore Jewish teachings related to ecology and why it's so critical that Jewish communities mobilize to address the climate crisis.
Rabbi Neril, who is visiting Denver and Boulder from Jerusalem, will also share about the work of his Jerusalem-based NGO, in Israel and internationally, to promote faith groups inspiring behavorial change for sustainable living.
Donation Requested: $10 NK Members*, $18 Guests
(*NK Members may attend at for FREE, if they register by June 18)
Rabbi Yonatan Neril founded and directs the Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development (ICSD), which reveals the connection between religion and ecology and mobilizes faith communities to act on climate change. ICSD's Jewish Eco Seminars branch engages Jews on Jewish ecology. Rabbi Yonatan authored the bestselling book "Eco Bible: An Ecological Commentary on the Hebrew Bible." He speaks internationally on religion and ecology, including at the World Economic Forum in Davos, multiple UN climate conferences, and the Parliament of World Religions. In December 2023 he co-organized the first-ever Faith Pavilion at a UN climate conference (COP28 in Dubai), which included 70 sessions with 325 speakers. Rabbi Yonatan has also co-organized twelve interfaith environmental conferences in the U.S. and Israel. In addition, he advances faith-based renewable energy innovation in the developing world, facilitating development of a solar field on church lands in Mozambique. Raised in California, Rabbi Yonatan completed his M.A. and B.A. from Stanford University where he conducted research on renewable energy in India, and on genetically modified corn in Mexico. He received rabbinical ordination in Israel and lives with his wife, Shana, and their two children in Jerusalem. He enjoys hiking and being in nature.
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7 Elul 5784
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