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A Message on Israel & Palestine 

From the Nevei Kodesh Board, Spiritual Leadership, and Staff


The current cycle of horrific violence in Israel and Palestine that began with Hamas’ terrorist attack on October 7, 2023, breaks our hearts and challenges our community’s commitment to Olam Chesed Yibaneh (Psalm 89:3) — Empowering Kindness — in our lives and in the world. 

Many of us feel anger, fear, grief, numbness, sadness, as well as compassion, empathy, and a host of other emotions; our unique complicated and conflicting feelings are all valid and natural responses to what is happening. Our commitment to hold one another with and through these intense feelings as a community remains unwavering.

Many of us have family and friends in Israel, or know someone who does. Many of us are involved in, or have ties to individuals and peace organizations striving to bring health, safety, and peace to both Israelis and Palestinians. We are a diverse community continuing to come together, sharing our shock and dismay, our mourning for the dead, our healing prayers for the injured, and our blessings and prayers for those who are grieving and those who tend to them. 

We pray that no one in our community is alone in their feelings and emotions, or judged for their choices about which organizations or efforts to support at this time. We are in this together, especially now. This is when the power of community – Jewish community – must shine bright, even in the face of anger, disagreement, and fear.

Now and in the days to come, we will renew with fervor our prayers that the hostages be released and that there be an end to the spiral of violence. We pray for the safety of all innocent civilians. We pray for swift humanitarian aid to all. We pray that the trauma experienced provides a pivot point towards peaceful, nonviolent actions in the months and years to come. 

May our commitment to Empowering Kindness reverberate through our community and radiate outward to a world where peace becomes possible.

Nevei Kodesh Board of Directors, Spiritual Leadership, and Staff
October 26, 2023


In preparation for the first shabbat of the new Torah cycle, and the first shabbat after the brutal Hamas attacks, Rabbi Diane Tiferet offered this d’var Torah for our times: Parashat B’reishit: Speaking a Kind(er) World into Being

Recognizing the strong desire to support our siblings in the Middle East, we continue to update a list of resources, including links to donate to various organizations on the ground as well as events, gatherings, and more: Resources in Crisis


Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784